Get Real

So I’m getting back to the swing of things after the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.  I’m sure you can relate that it only takes a few weeks of getting out of your routine to make a new one.  My new routine, should I choose to stay here, would be that of having coffee and juice in the morning and surfing mindlessly on the web for “research” on my next book project.  Who am I kidding?  One link leads to another, and then it’s pretty much the end of the day with nothing being accomplished.  If I were still in the “real” business world I wouldn’t last very long.  Uh oh.  Wait a minute.  I am in the “real” business world.  The only difference between this one and my previous one is that now I have total control over my path of success.  Sure, I will be relying on others for various aspects of my new business but the goals that I set are totally within my own control.  So as I set out to truly make this a successful business I will begin by first thanking God for directing my paths that got me to this point in the first place.  For without Him I would have nothing.  All that I have comes from Him.

My 30 plus years with my previous employer allowed me to grow as a leader, taught me how to set goals, and helped me to learn a lot about people.  Bottom line, everyone wants to be recognized for their efforts and to be as successful as they can be.  It’s the different personalities within a work group that make for an interesting day at the office. In any business there will be adversity. It’s how you react to it that builds your character and helps you move on to something else much quicker.  I can remember many years ago I had applied for another position within the company I worked for.  The position would have been a promotion for me.  I left the interview feeling like I had just had the best interview of my life and I felt sure I would get the job.  Within a few days I received word that they had selected someone else.  I was so disappointed.  I just knew I would be offered the job.  I started dwelling on the situation and my disappointment turned to anger and it manifested itself in various emotions. I first cried openly, then withdrew from others.  I then began talking about it to others.  Fortunately, I had a very wise supervisor at the time.  His counsel helped me to focus not on why I didn’t get the job , but to put my negative energy into focusing on what I needed to do to be ready for the next opportunity. I can remember having a co-worker that had been overlooked several times and that individual had become a bitter person.  I realized I did not want to become that person.  And, I didn’t want others to perceive that I was that way either.   So I decided to follow my supervisor’s advice and I believe that changed the course of my work life. I became a senior leader and was fortunate to lead an organization of highly successful team members.

So, I’m off on my new venture and as with everything else in life will be needing others in order to be successful.  I’ve decided to get real this week and focus on the business side of my new career as an author.  I’ll spend this time developing my business plan and setting my goals for 2014.  I’ll identify barriers so that when I encounter them I am prepared to address them in a positive way.

What is it that you need to get real about?  I encourage you to make a plan and set realistic goals that will help you this year!

“Thank you God for loving me and never leaving me even when I turn my back on you time and time again.  Thank you for knowing what is best for me even when I think a different direction is where I need to go.  I love you and adore you.  I choose to bow down before you and seek your face in all that I do.”  Amen